
Analysis and model explainability functions in PyCaret


This function analyzes the performance of a trained model on the hold-out set. It may require re-training the model in certain cases.


# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
lr = create_model('lr')

# plot model
plot_model(lr, plot = 'auc')

Change the scale

The resolution scale of the figure can be changed with scale parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
lr = create_model('lr')

# plot model
plot_model(lr, plot = 'auc', scale = 3)

Save the plot

You can save the plot as a png file using the save parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
lr = create_model('lr')

# plot model
plot_model(lr, plot = 'auc', save = True)

Customize the plot

PyCaret uses Yellowbrick for most of the plotting work. Any argument that is acceptable for Yellowbrick visualizers can be passed as plot_kwargs parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
lr = create_model('lr')

# plot model
plot_model(lr, plot = 'confusion_matrix', plot_kwargs = {'percent' : True})

Use train data

If you want to assess the model plot on the train data, you can pass use_train_data=True in the plot_model function.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
lr = create_model('lr')

# plot model
plot_model(lr, plot = 'auc', use_train_data = True)

Plot on train data vs. hold-out data

Examples by module




Anomaly Detection


The evaluate_model displays a user interface for analyzing the performance of a trained model. It calls the plot_model function internally.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
juice = get_data('juice')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
exp_name = setup(data = juice,  target = 'Purchase')

# create model
lr = create_model('lr')

# launch evaluate widget

NOTE: This function only works in Jupyter Notebook or an equivalent environment.


This function analyzes the predictions generated from a trained model. Most plots in this function are implemented based on the SHAP (Shapley Additive exPlanations). For more info on this, please see


# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model

Save the plot

You can save the plot as a png file using the save parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, save = True)

NOTE: When save=True no plot is displayed in the Notebook.

Change plot type

There are a few different plot types available that can be changed by the plot parameter.


# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'correlation')

By default, PyCaret uses the first feature in the dataset but that can be changed using feature parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'correlation', feature = 'Age (years)')

Partial Dependence Plot

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'pdp')

By default, PyCaret uses the first available feature in the dataset but this can be changed using the feature parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'pdp', feature = 'Age (years)')

Morris Sensitivity Analysis

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'msa')

Permutation Feature Importance

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'pfi')

Reason Plot

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'reason')

When you generate reason plot without passing the specific index of test data, you will get the interactive plot displayed with the ability to select the x and y-axis. This will only be possible if you are using Jupyter Notebook or an equivalent environment. If you want to see this plot for a specific observation, you will have to pass the index in the observation parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, plot = 'reason', observation = 1)

Here the observation = 1 means index 1 from the test set.

Use train data

By default, all the plots are generated on the test dataset. If you want to generate plots using a train data set (not recommended) you can use use_train_data parameter.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# creating a model
xgboost = create_model('xgboost')

# interpret model
interpret_model(xgboost, use_train_data = True)


The dashboard function generates the interactive dashboard for a trained model. The dashboard is implemented using ExplainerDashboard (

Dashboard Example

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
juice = get_data('juice')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
exp_name = setup(data = juice,  target = 'Purchase')

# train model
lr = create_model('lr')

# launch dashboard



There are many approaches to conceptualizing fairness. The check_fairness function follows the approach known as group fairness, which asks: which groups of individuals are at risk for experiencing harm. check_fairness provides fairness-related metrics between different groups (also called sub-population).

Check Fairness Example

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
income = get_data('income')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
exp_name = setup(data = income,  target = 'income >50K')

# train model
lr = create_model('lr')

# check model fairness
lr_fairness = check_fairness(lr, sensitive_features = ['sex', 'race'])



This function returns the leaderboard of all models trained in the current setup.

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')

# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')

# compare models
top3 = compare_models(n_select = 3)

# tune top 3 models
tuned_top3 = [tune_model(i) for i in top3]

# ensemble top 3 tuned models
ensembled_top3 = [ensemble_model(i) for i in tuned_top3]

# blender
blender = blend_models(tuned_top3)

# stacker
stacker = stack_models(tuned_top3)

# check leaderboard

You can also access the trained Pipeline with this.

# check leaderboard
lb = get_leaderboard()

# select top model


This function assigns labels to the training dataset using the trained model. It is available for Clustering, Anomaly Detection, and NLP modules.


# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
jewellery = get_data('jewellery')

# init setup
from pycaret.clustering import *
clu1 = setup(data = jewellery)

# train a model
kmeans = create_model('kmeans')

# assign model

Anomaly Detection

# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')

# init setup
from pycaret.anomaly import *
ano1 = setup(data = anomaly)

# train a model
iforest = create_model('iforest')

# assign model

Last updated